Event Volunteer Signup/Info
THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING! There are 2 party volunteer shifts. First Shift is for Underclassman parents as the party starts before senior parents can make it to the high school. Second Shift is for Senior Parents only at this time.
Link Sign Ups Coming Early March
First Shift 8:30 pm – 11:00 pm Underclassman parents ONLY
Second Shift 10:30 pm – 2:00 am Senior Parents ONLY
ATTENTION: Please read through the Volunteer Information, before coming to the high school. You do NOT need a permit to park at the high school or EP Community Center.
WHAT TIME SHOULD I ARRIVE? Shifts start throughout the night. Please verify what shift you have signed up for and plan to arrive 15 minutes before your start time. Because of the number of graduates and volunteers that will be in the building, please don’t arrive more than 15 minutes before your shifts starts, unless you have been instructed otherwise by the chairperson of your volunteer area.
I VOLUNTEERED FOR SET-UP, WHAT TIME SHOULD I ARRIVE? Set up times are on Thursday afternoon and on Friday with times listed on each posting. Please enter at the Activity Center entrance and check-in at the Volunteer table to get your specific assignment. Please don’t bring visitors to “preview the party” during this time.
I VOLUNTEERED FOR CLEAN-UP, WHEN SHOULD I SHOW UP? First of all, thank you! You may arrive at the party at any point during the night to come watch the fun. Please pick up your name tag at the Volunteer table at the North Entrance when you arrive. If you go home before your shift, please keep your name tag with you and wear it when you return to the party. Please plan to be back in the Activity Center atrium at 1:00 am and the committee chairs will put you to work. The length of time you are there will depend on the number of volunteers and how much “break down” the 2nd shift volunteers were able to get done.
WHERE SHOULD I PARK? All lots will be open. “A” lot (North Entrance / between the Activity Center and the turf fields) will be where students have parked during graduation. The East Doors will be open for vendor food deliveries. DO NOT park in any area with temporary “Reserved Parking” signs or your car may be towed. If you enter through these doors you will need to walk thru the school to the North Entrance to check in. The South Lot near the Main Office doors will be locked and you would need to walk around the school to enter. The Eden Prairie Community Center parking lots will be open as well. You do not need a permit, but please do not leave anything of value in your car, as the EPCC has experienced car break-ins. DO NOT park in any area with temporary “Reserved Parking” signs. These parking spots are for Senior Party vendors and your car may be towed.
WHERE SHOULD I CHECK-IN? The Volunteer check-in table will be located at the North Doors, just west of the Activity Center doors. HOWEVER, if you park on the east side of the school you may enter at the East Doors. A volunteer will be there with a list of volunteer names and you will be directed to the check-in desk to get your nametag.
WHAT DO I GET AT THE VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE? At the Volunteer check-in table, you will receive your name tag, which will also list the venue where you are volunteering. Because it is a security issue, please check in as soon as you arrive and wear your name tag at all times. Due to security concerns, only registered volunteers will be admitted to the party.
I’VE GOT MY NAME TAG, NOW WHAT? Proceed to your assigned area and check-in with any of the committee chair.
I’M BOUND TO GET HUNGRY, IS THERE ANY FOOD FOR US? Yes, please visit the Parent Hospitality room in Room 217, just off the East Commons, during your break for yummy food and beverages. Please do NOT eat the food in the main Food Venue in East Commons as that is ONLY for the SENIORS. In the past we have run out of food for the Seniors due to parents eating the food.
ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW? We suggest that you leave your purse or bag at home. There will be limited safe spots to keep purses and other valuables. So, be like the kids and tuck your license and phone in your pocket and leave everything else at home! Casino volunteers are asked to wear black bottoms and white tops. There is no uniform for everyone else, but it gets warm and you will probably be standing for much of your shift, so dress comfy.
You are required to stay until the end of your shift. We will need help from everyone on 2nd shirt to tear down the party. When your area and all the commons areas are torn down and ready for the clean-up crew, you are welcome to stay and watch the Hypnotist show in the PAC.
Lastly, if you have any suggestions to improve our processes please email us after the party at chair@epseniorparty.org or better yet, join our committee. We would LOVE to have you on our team. Thank you so much for helping to make this party a huge success!