Future Chairs Needed

2025 & 2026 Committee Chairs Are Needed

For the 2025 party we are looking for Junior or Senior parents and for the 2026 party Sophomore or Freshman parents to chair the following committees. For each committee there is a detailed plan to provide guidance. Those signing up for 2026 will shadow the 2025 chairs to learn their roles.

The following is a list of all the venues we are currently looking for help. The time commitment varies so if you have a little or a lot of time to give we could use your help. Better yet, any position can be shared, so grab a friend and volunteer together! If you are interested in joining the committee email chair@epseniorparty.org for more information:

    • Overall Event Co-Chairs (2025 & 2026) – 1 or 2 people to work with current chair to oversee the venues, key contact to the district, organize meetings throughout the year.
    • Event Treasurer – Work with event chairs on registration fees, budget and expenses.
    • Bag Check  – Secure and label bags to hold students items during party and then run venue night of party.
    • Bingo for Boxers (2026) – Purchase boxers throughout the year and then run venue night of party. A budget is supplied for purchases.
    • Casino – Set up contract in the fall with vendor then set up and run the venue.
    • Coffee Room  – Secure coffee and add-in donations or buy, decorate the room the day of the event.
    • Communications (2026) – Manage senior party website and facebook posts
    • Contests & Games (2025 & 2026) – Secure items from the school for Pinguard and PingPong along with any other games/contest, set up brackets and then run the venue the night of the party.
    • Decor for Venue  – Set up contract with vendors for pipe & drape and balloons, and the days leading into the party lead the teams set up the items.
    • Entertainment Live (2026) – Set up the contracts with existing vendors then night of event be at event to organize their schedule.
    • EP-oply (2026) – Night of party run the venue
    • First Aid (2026) – Setup venue and ensure supplies. Work in the first aid room during the event – first aid experience requested, but not required.
    • Food  (2026) – Would be good for a group of 3-5 friends to do together. Organize food donations and purchases, coordinate deliveries then set up and run the area the night of the party
    • Food Decorations – East Commons – Set up decorations night before the party.
    • Fundraising (2025 & 2026) – Setup various fundraising opportunities including working with Senior Party Interns on shirt sales (summer) and yard sign sales (spring).
    • Parent Hospitality (2026) – Organize food donations and purchase for hospitality room for parents & volunteers, then setup and run the area the night of the party.
    • Inflatables – Set up contracts in fall and then manage night of event.
    • Map of Future Plans  – Work with the CRC to set up the map and move it to the party during set up.
    • Movies (2026) – Book a few supplies in January then set up and run the venue
    • Photo Booth (2025 & 2026) – Set up contract for a photo booth in fall and then manage night of event.
    • Raffle (2026) – Buy or get donated all the prizes for the party. A budget is provided and list of past donors to reach out to is set up.
    • Registration (2026) – Set up and utilize the online registration system, manage paper registration forms, scholarship applications, and early release requests; March – party date. Work at the party.
    • Security (2026) – Set up the stations for parents to monitor doors. EPHS Security handles any incidents.
    • Service Project (2026) – Determine the Service Project scope and work to gather donations through out the year and buy items needed.
    • Set Up of Venues (2026) – Secure needed resources for set up like take, power strips… and then the days before the party be available to lead the teams of volunteers setting up the party.
    • Spa – set up the contract with the vendor then set up and run venue.
    • Stand Outs – Research Stand Out sources and work during set up to place around the party.
    • Student Intern Mentor (2026) – work with student interns to promote event through social media and with seniors.
    • Volunteer Coordinator (2026) – Manage the Sign Up Genius, send out volunteer updates, run name tags the day before event and work first shift at Volunteer Check-in during party.