Are scholarships available?
Yes! We would love every student to be able to attend the party! Confidential scholarships are available. Your student should visit their counselor’s office to apply by Friday, May 23rd.

If I purchased the Senior Party ticket in GoFan for my student, how do I transfer it to them?
You can transfer the ticket by:
– Accessing your tickets from the Tickets page in your GoFan account or from your confirmation email.
– Click Transfer on the pass you want to transfer
– Enter the student’s email address or cell phone number
– Click Transfer
– You’ll receive a confirmation message. Your student will then recieve an email or text message with a link to their ticket.
You can also see GoFans step by step instructions here.

What should Students wear?
Wear comfortable shoes and casual clothing with pockets to hold raffle tickets, your phone, etc. If you desire to change clothes after graduation for the party, please arrange to grab a small bag (clear, plastic, vinyl, or tote bag that does not exceed 12”x6”x12”) from your parents. Give your cap, gown & anything else you have with you to your family after the graduation ceremony.

What are students allowed to bring to the party?
Yourself, cellphone with your Senior Party ticket in Go Fan, Student/photo ID and Senior Party wristband! NO bags/backpacks, water bottles, food or beverages are allowed into the party. If you have a medical reason to have a bag with you during the party, check in with security when you arrive at the party to have it tagged as approved. We will have a charging station if those cell phone batteries run low!

Are Graduates bused back to the High school for the Party?
We are currently working with EPHS Principal and School leaders on logistics and transportation from graduation. We will share once the details have been finalized.

What kind of food will there be?
It will be a long, but exciting day and by the time the Graduates arrive at the party, they are usually hungry so the first thing we do is feed them. We’ll also have food and various treats available throughout the night. Plenty of drinks (pop, water and coffee) will be available to stay hydrated!

What activities are planned?
We have a variety of activities planned for the evening to meet the needs of all types. Activities include a casino, games, bingo, movies, spa services, live entertainment and many more surprises! We will also have an amazing raffle for items such as TVs, headphones, gift cards and much more!

What time is the party end?
The Party ends at 4AM. When you leave the party, please pick up your prizes from Bag Check. If you have a Senior Standout, it will also be in that area for you to take home with you.

What if students want to leave early?
Students are not permitted to leave before 4:00 am without prior notification from your parents. Your parents must fill out and return an Early Release Form by Wednesday, May 28th . If a student leaves the party without permission, they forfeit any prize(s) they have won in the raffle. Many students leave their car in the high school parking, but you are not permitted to go to your car for any reason during the party.

Will there be security?
Yes, we will have EPHS resource officers and EP Police Officers on staff during the event. We will also have parent volunteers assigned to monitor exits and circulate throughout the event.

What if discipline issues a rise with a student?
If during the party any discipline issues arise with a student, they forfeit any prize(s) they have won in the raffle and parents will be called to come and pick them up immediately.

How can I stay updated on the party?
Seniors, please follow us on Instagram @ephssenior. Or Parents, you can follow us on Facebook @PTO.EPHS or join the EPHS Class of 2025 FB Group on Facebook.